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Ascend’s mission is to create well rounded dancers and individuals who leave our program with a dance education that will prepare them to continue their training at the collegiate and/or professional level. Our students’ ascension beyond our program is our biggest priority. At Ascend we encourage our students to look at their futures with open minds and understand dance isn’t just about dancing. A dancer requires diverse training, mental grit and tenacity, physical excellence, healthy mind body connections, malleability and critical thinking skills.

We pride ourselves on having qualified, passionate staff with the ability to teach more than just dance. With a variety of backgrounds, our faculty is able to teach students different ways to learn. At Ascend we are not about teaching steps, but about teaching the process of how to become the best version of ourselves, so we can achieve anything we put our minds to.

Whether or not our dancers choose to continue pursuing a career in the performing arts, we want them to leave us with a healthy mind and body and the strongest sense of self.